Cyfanswm Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester Brgiht
  • Cyfanswm Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester BrgihtCyfanswm Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester Brgiht
  • Cyfanswm Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester BrgihtCyfanswm Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester Brgiht
  • Cyfanswm Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester BrgihtCyfanswm Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester Brgiht
  • Cyfanswm Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester BrgihtCyfanswm Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester Brgiht

Cyfanswm Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester Brgiht

Find a huge selection of Total Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Shaped Filament from China at LIDA®. CHANGSHU POLYESTER CO.,LTD is located in Xushi, Dongbang Town, Changshu City, in the Yangtze River Delta area, with convenient transportation. The company was established in 1983. After 40 years of struggle and technological transformation and innovation, the product quality has won the trust and praise of many customers. Now the company has strong technical force, excellent equipment, complete testing equipment, stable product quality, good reputation, and has the right to import and export. We believe that we can cooperate with you for a win-win situation in the future, and we look forward to becoming your long-term partner in China.LIDA® is Total Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Shaped Filament manufacturers and suppliers in China who can wholesale Total Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Shaped Filament. In the domestic special fiber market, Changshu Polyester Co., Ltd.'s "Lida" brand is a strong contender. Polyester filament is produced by processing and spinning polyester chips, and as a result, the cost of production is moderately low, the manufacturing process is sophisticated, and the product quality is more consistent. Polyester trilobal shaped filament is a shaped fiber obtained by spinning with a triangular spinneret. The triangular cross-section fiber has strong reflective intensity and usually has a diamond-like luster. (Semi-dull) TiO2 is added during spinning to darken the luster of the spun fiber and play a semi-dull effect. Introduce of Total Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Shaped Filament: PRODUCET:HIGH TENACITY LOW SHRINKAGE TRB FILAMENT YARN Application area: Typically used for embroidered thread, the manufactured embroidery thread is mostly used for computer embroidery, which may embroider some especially lovely patterns and logos. Product features: high strength, high color fastness, low shrinkage, good brightness, high temperature resistance, good thermoplasticity, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, good light resistance, low friction coefficient, wear resistance, good electrical insulation, non-toxic and non-toxic Smelly, good weather resistance. Especially used for Embroidery threads THE advantage:HIGH TENACITY, even dyeing, LOW SHRINAKGE, GOOD HEAT RESISTANCE Especially used for sewing threads Product index parameters: (D)ITEM 70D 108D 120D 150D test standard TENACITY ≥5.5 ≥5.5 ≥5.5 ≥5.5 GB/T 14344 ELONGATION 16±2 16±2 16±2 16±2 GB/T 14344 Hot air shriankge 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 GB/T 6505 intermingling points per meter 8 8 8 8 FZ/T 50001 0IL 7 7 7 7 GB/T 6504 (mm) Paper tube item low tube (125*140) Packing method: 1. Carton packing. 2. Pallet packaging.

Anfon Ymholiad

Disgrifiad o'r Cynnyrch

LIDA® yw Cyfanswm Brgiht Polyester Trilobal Siâp Ffilament gweithgynhyrchwyr a chyflenwyr yn Tsieina sy'n gallu cyfanwerthu Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester Cyfanswm Brgiht. Yn y farchnad ffibr arbennig ddomestig, mae brand "Lida" Changshu Polyester Co, Ltd yn gystadleuydd cryf. Mae ffilament polyester yn cael ei gynhyrchu trwy brosesu a nyddu sglodion polyester, ac o ganlyniad, mae cost cynhyrchu yn gymedrol isel, mae'r broses weithgynhyrchu yn soffistigedig, ac mae ansawdd y cynnyrch yn fwy cyson.

Mae ffilament siâp trilobal polyester yn ffibr siâp a geir trwy nyddu â spinneret trionglog. Mae gan y ffibr trawstoriad trionglog ddwysedd adlewyrchol cryf ac fel arfer mae ganddo luster tebyg i diemwnt. (Lled-ddwl) Ychwanegir TiO2 yn ystod troelli i dywyllu llewyrch y ffibr nyddu a chwarae effaith lled-ddwl.

Cyflwyno Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester Brgiht Cyfanswm:

CYNNYRCH: Edafedd ffilament TRB TRB crebachu TENACTI UCHEL


Ardal y cais: Yn cael ei ddefnyddio'n nodweddiadol ar gyfer edau wedi'i frodio, mae'r edau brodwaith gweithgynhyrchu yn cael ei ddefnyddio'n bennaf ar gyfer brodwaith cyfrifiadurol, a all frodio rhai patrymau a logos arbennig o hyfryd.

Nodweddion cynnyrch: cryfder uchel, cyflymdra lliw uchel, crebachu isel, disgleirdeb da, ymwrthedd tymheredd uchel, thermoplastigedd da, ymwrthedd cyrydiad, ymwrthedd gwisgo, ymwrthedd golau da, cyfernod ffrithiant isel, ymwrthedd gwisgo, insiwleiddio trydanol da, heb fod yn wenwynig ac nad yw'n Gwenwynig Arogl, ymwrthedd tywydd da. Defnyddir yn arbennig ar gyfer edafedd Brodwaith


Y fantais: TENACITY UCHEL, hyd yn oed lliwio,

Crebachu ISEL, GWRTHIANT GWRES DA Defnyddir yn arbennig ar gyfer gwnïo edafedd

Paramedrau mynegai cynnyrch:













GB/T 14344






GB/T 14344

crebachu aer poeth





GB/T 6505

pwyntiau cymysgu fesul metr





FZ/T 50001






GB/T 6504

(mm) Eitem tiwb papur tiwb isel (125 * 140)

Dull pacio: 1. pacio carton. 2. pecynnu paled.

Hot Tags: Cyfanswm Ffilament Siâp Trilobal Polyester Brgiht, Tsieina, gweithgynhyrchwyr, cyflenwyr, ffatri, cyfanwerthu, wedi'u gwneud yn Tsieina, wedi'u haddasu, ansawdd, SGS, GRS
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